Purchasing a car requires a lot of planning which often includes the type of preferred car, the arrangement of finances and several other aspects that come together before one finally makes a purchase. There are several who can afford to pay up for the price of the car but for the rest who do not have the sufficient finances but still feel the need to own a car can always approach banks and lenders who are always ready to come forward with financial help provided the loan seekers agree to pay the stipulated sum of money as interest levied on the amount of loan availed. Whenever a bank is approached for a car loan, they do not sanction the same without any scrutiny. They cannot trust anyone and everyone with their money and therefore ask for documents such as credit score, proof of identity, proof of income, details of the car to be purchased and proof of financial responsibilities. All of this is looked at closely to determine the financial status of the loan seeker. There are ...
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