It isn’t necessary for each and every individual to own a credit score of their own. A credit score indicates the ability to pay up for credit bills on time without having to pay penalties for it. The payments are reflected on the score that makes it high when paid on time and low when there is no payment made or there is a delay in the payment. For several, there are no credit scores to their name as they do not have any credit bills to pay such as credit cards. A credit score is something that allows financial institutions to analyse the financial status of a person either seeking a loan or an insurance policy. For those who do not have a credit and look out for answers to questions like how do I buy a car with no credit , a simple answer would be to approach banks physically and have a word with their representatives. Students or fresh graduates are the ones who are often seen not possessing and credit scores of their own and thus have the benefit of availing a car loan with...
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